Dear Future Husband| June 24, 2016

I must start off by saying, I’m deeply sorry that I did not wait for you. I’m sorry that I allowed my desires to be placed higher than the blessings God had in store for me in you. I apologize for settling with my own pleasures instead of waiting for God’s best. You are the one God has sent for me so, I should’ve waited for you. 

I pray daily that God continues to guide me and prepare me for not only my purpose, but our purpose as well. I ask God to soften my heart and my stubborness so that when you do come and find me, I will be ready for you.

I know that you will be even half the man that my father is — a real man.

When I talk to Him, He tells me that you will be guided by Him and not your own selfishness. You will be the kind of man that God has called you to be. Even in your weaknesses, God’s power will be made perfect. (1 Corinthians 12:9) And together, we will walk with Him.

I promise to submit to you as an act of obedience to God. I promise to humble myself so that I don’t place myself above you or God. I promise to be the Proverbs 31 woman regardless of how cliche that sounds. (Please refer to Proverbs 31 for details.)

Be ready to travel. And by travel I mean A LOT. Be prepared for out of the blue “let’s go here” dictations. Be ready to drive around endlessly…killing gas… for no reason. Be ready to not settle down for a decent amount of time.

I must say that you must be a special one to be able to put up with my nonsense and horrific singing. Hopefully by the time I meet you, I won’t be as all over the place as I am now (although that’s highly unlikely).

There are so many intricacies to me that you’ll soon discover.

Occasionally, you might find me not wanting to talk. I’m an odd quiet soul sometimes and the sound of nothing soothes me. Bear with me.

Thank you for willing to break down every brick that I’ve placed to build the walls that I’ve built.

Thank you for accepting me the way I am- with all my flaws and imperfections, you still find a way to love me.

Thank you for being you and being proud of that.

Thank you for being patient, kind, understanding, loving, and genuine.

I appreciate you. Always will. Even though I may not say it, I do.

I thank God for you.


Dear future husband, I love you.


Your future wife.




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