Grace| April 3, 2020

I’m so lost God. I have no idea how to do this thing called life.

I’m clueless on my purpose.

I don’t know what career you want me to pursue.

I couldn’t even begin to try to explain why my life has value.

I cannot seem to comprehend all the blessings that You’ve placed in my life day in and day out.

How am I still here? Why me God?

It’s difficult for me to understand Your grace; but I feel it. Day in and day out. In Your presence Lord is the only place I feel fully accepted, unashamed, unmessed-up, worthy, whole.

Ive made so many mistakes God. So, so many. But you still tell me that You have a plan for me. For me God? Are you sure? Nah, nah you must have the wrong person, God. It can’t be me.

But you tell me, “My daughter, just come. Come to me. I don’t love you because of anything that you’ve done or not done. My love and grace is unconditional and unmerited. I love you because I choose to love you. I chose you before I even formed you in your mother’s womb. You are my perfect creation because I made you in My image. I know you don’t understand why you’re here on this earth or why you’ve always felt that tug in your heart. You may not understand it yet, because you are still young in faith, but you will see. I have created you for so much more than you could ever think or imagine. One day you will see, I promise. I promise you my daughter that your life will bless many. I have given you the responsibility to witness for Me. Because of the pain that you have experienced in your life, you will be able to relate to others who have walked that same path. I do not want you to fear anything in this life because I will be with you all the way. Keep me first and keep me close. I will bless you and your children and their children and their children’s children. For now you cannot see, but I promise you. The generational curses end with you. They end here. Your children will not suffer in the same ways you did. I will be with You. I will walk with you through the valleys of the shadow of death and you will not fear. I am with you always. I love you. I have always loved you, even when you were at your lowest. I am taking you into a new position in your life. Have courage. You will not know everything you need to know, but you will learn as you grow in faith and grow in your relationship with Me. So do not be afraid to get things wrong the first time around. There are some people in your life right now that will not walk into the next position with you. But I will be with them also. I created you for so much more than this. You will see my daughter. You will see. You will see. I love you and I have forgiven you.”

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